Сенсорные экраны, touchscreen, сенсорные киоски, Polyswitch, термопринтеры, силовые реле от Конкур электрикСенсорные экраны, touchscreen, сенсорные киоски, Polyswitch, термопринтеры, силовые реле от Конкур электрик
электромеханические, электронные и системные компоненты
(812) 441-36-38; (495) 755-93-29

FLASH-память от Winbond

Parallel NOR Flash

Part No. Voltage Speed Temp. Organization Status Automotive Datasheet
W29GL512S 3V/3.3V 90ns -40 to +85 32M x 16 P UD
W29GL512P 3V/3.3V 90ns -40 to +85 64M x 8/ 32M x 16 P UD

Status: P=Mass Production, S(Time)=Samples(Ready Time), UD (Time)= Under Development(Ready Time), N=Not Recommended For New Design, EOL=End of life.
RoHS: All winbond Flash products are "Green", Halogen-Free and RoHS compliant packaging. Refer to the datasheet for details and specifications.
Availability: Please contact Winbond for avaliability of these products and packages.

Part No. Voltage Speed Temp. Organization Status Automotive Datasheet
W29GL256S 3V/3.3V 90ns -40 to +85 16M x 16 P UD
W29GL256P 3V/3.3V 90ns -40 to +85 32M x 8/ 8M x 16 P UD

Status: P=Mass Production, S(Time)=Samples(Ready Time), UD (Time)= Under Development(Ready Time), N=Not Recommended For New Design, EOL=End of life.
RoHS: All winbond Flash products are "Green", Halogen-Free and RoHS compliant packaging. Refer to the datasheet for details and specifications.
Availability: Please contact Winbond for avaliability of these products and packages.

Part No. Voltage Speed Temp. Organization Status Automotive Datasheet
W29GL128C 3V/3.3V 90ns -40 to +85 16M x 8/ 8M x 16 P UD

Status: P=Mass Production, S(Time)=Samples(Ready Time), UD (Time)= Under Development(Ready Time), N=Not Recommended For New Design, EOL=End of life.
RoHS: All winbond Flash products are "Green", Halogen-Free and RoHS compliant packaging. Refer to the datasheet for details and specifications.
Availability: Please contact Winbond for avaliability of these products and packages.

Part No. Voltage Speed Temp. Organization Status Automotive Datasheet
W29GL064C 3V/3.3V 70ns -40 to +85 8M x 8/ 4M x 16 P UD

Status: P=Mass Production, S(Time)=Samples(Ready Time), UD (Time)= Under Development(Ready Time), N=Not Recommended For New Design, EOL=End of life.
RoHS: All winbond Flash products are "Green", Halogen-Free and RoHS compliant packaging. Refer to the datasheet for details and specifications.
Availability: Please contact Winbond for avaliability of these products and packages.

Part No. Voltage Speed Temp. Organization Status Automotive Datasheet
W29GL032C 3V/3.3V 70ns -40 to +85 4M x 8/ 2M x 16 P UD

Status: P=Mass Production, S(Time)=Samples(Ready Time), UD (Time)= Under Development(Ready Time), N=Not Recommended For New Design, EOL=End of life.
RoHS: All winbond Flash products are "Green", Halogen-Free and RoHS compliant packaging. Refer to the datasheet for details and specifications.
Availability: Please contact Winbond for avaliability of these products and packages.

Konkur Electric
197342, г. Санкт-Петербург,
ул. Торжковская, д.5, офис 314А (БЦ Оптима)

105484, г. Москва,
ул. 16-я Парковая, д.21,
корп.1, офис 413
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